









24岁的妮可·维德拉从第一天起就参与了博彩网址大全. Her creativity, ambition, work ethic have greatly impacted Carthage’s chapter of 是, 全国销售联谊会. 她还担任领导职务 气ω, 财经投资会, 学生会 作为泛希腊代表. 作为学生大使, she shares her appreciation for and knowledge of Carthage with prospective students. 



“The career options with 市场营销, 管理, 金融 are endless. I have developed personally and professionally by enhancing my public speaking skills, 商业知识和词汇, 以及对商业中职业机会的意识.”



“从我踏入博彩网址大全的那一刻起,我就爱上了它。 商务中心. I had the opportunity to sit through a business class before I confirmed my enrollment. I was initially impressed with the professor’s wealth of knowledge and the classroom’s supportive atmosphere. 走在校园大道上,学生们友好而活泼. Each professor I met had a passion for their field and real-world experience, 以及指定的办公时间和热情的态度. Carthage also has an excellent location between two major business hubs, 密尔沃基和芝加哥, 沿着美丽的密歇根湖.”


“Carthage has shown me career paths that I previously had not even considered. The personal relationships I have built with the business faculty and my advisor, 卡特·洛克希尔教授, have supported my education and pushed me to become a more creative and successful student. 老师们不仅鼓励了我的热情, but they have led me in directions to further my career exploration. 即使我怀疑自己的能力,我的教授也相信我, 没有他们的领导和支持, 我就不会是今天的我.”


“My favorite class I have taken at Carthage is Legal Environment of Business. 虽然这门课很有挑战性, I am intellectually stimulated by the engaging class discussions and debates. 我的课在 会计, 金融, 经济学, 市场营销, 管理 使我的个人成长. 仍然, my legal class has invigorated my problem-solving passions and love for the foundations of legal systems. Michael Phegley教授 works hard to make the class fun while still challenging us to expand our ways of thinking to grow intellectually. The real-world examples he uses to make the context we are learning applicable to real-life scenarios, 我的思维方式也因此进步了.”


“我上过的最具挑战性的课程是企业金融. 郑超教授 is an amazing professor and department chair who nurtures and challenges students in the class to ensure success. 这门课的内容本身就很有挑战性, 尤其是因为这是我的第一节金融课, 但是理解材料是非常有益的. The class requires hard work and concentration to understand the contents, but the feeling of accomplishment from completing the group project is fulfilling.”


“Since my freshman year, I have served as the Vice President of Professional Development for 这是一个全国性的销售协会. One of my proudest accomplishments in this position is creating a bracket-style interview competition by combining my love of March Madness and passion for personal development. 通过这个过程, I improved my interview skills by interviewing members of the fraternity and other business students. The final round consisted of a panel of Business professionals along with a mingling event for companies attending to network with students. I have also been able to add segments such as Nicole’s 新闻 which is an economic update given each week, 每周一词来增加本章的商业词汇, internship spotlights to highlight our involved chapter members. I also serve as the Director of Campus Activity and Spirit for my social sorority, 气ω. 在这个角色中, I have been able to educate the chapter on extracurricular opportunities and events to increase chapter participation on campus. I also plan our homecoming parade by designing and purchasing T-shirts and creating posters and decorations. ”


“在我的课堂上, 我有机会制定一个营销计划, 销售报告, 专业的作品集, 股票分析报告, 情况简报, 预算和库存报告. These real-world tools have allowed me to practice skills that I will be using daily in whatever field I go into.”


“校园, 我担任过学生大使, 是什么建立了我的信心,提高了我的人际交往能力. I have also grown my skills relating to sales and 市场营销 because I can highlight the best features of Carthage and describe to each student why Carthage may be the right place for them. While every student who tours Carthage is different, Carthage has something to offer for all. Part of my position as a student ambassador is showing prospective students the many opportunities Carthage has to offer.”


“One of my favorite spots on campus is a glass conference room in the back of 大卫. Straz小. Center 自然科学. This conference room looks over the beautiful lake and is filled with sunshine during the day. It is one of my favorite spots to study and never fails to keep me at peace. 我也喜欢 塞姆勒健身中心这是博彩网址大全为非运动员学生开设的主要体育馆. The fitness center is a great place to work out and destress after class and has a warm community feel, 通常会有一张熟悉的面孔在门口迎接我. The main court is also one of my favorite spots because I enjoy playing recreational basketball. It is a beautiful court with a generous arena and a well-designed layout.”


“今年在博彩网址大全我最喜欢的时刻是我们的 周末回家, where I had the opportunity to lead my sorority in the 首页coming parade along with getting to spend time with my family and allowing them to enjoy Carthage as much as I do. Carthage goes out of its way to provide amenities and activities for students on weekends to provide a big school game day environment with a close community feel.”


“One surprise I have encountered is how close of a community Carthage is. 几乎每个博彩网址大全人都有某种联系. 有一个大家庭或社区的感觉. Even though we have students from across the country and even international students, 学生们仍然尊重, 理解, welcoming across campus and share similar values of community and inclusivity. 我没想到会有这样一个支持和包容的环境, 但我很幸运遇到了一个.”